Welcome to the OpenFlightHPC Build Knowledgebase!

This site contains the documentation for the OpenFlightHPC project. It contains tips and tools for streamlining the building and management of a HPC research environments. While the documentation will mainly focus on the OpenFlightHPC Research Environment workflow there will be notes and tips to customising the process for varying workflows.

Documentation Goal

The purpose of this documentation is to provide understandable guidance to delivering the OpenFlightHPC Research Environment. This includes deploying resources on a given platform and installing the relevant software.

Environment Delivery is the installation of software for the user experience on the research environment. This usually involves some sort of resource management/queuing system and application installation.


It is recommended to read through all of the documentation before starting to design the HPC platform to understand the scope and considerations.


We recognise the respect the trademarks of all third-party providers referenced in this documentation. Please see the respective EULAs for software packages used in configuring your own environment based on this knowledgebase.


This documentation is released under the Creative-Commons: Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International license.